Friday, February 13, 2009

Another good appointment on the books. GBS was negative! Still at 168, heart rate still in the 130's, and still measuring 2 weeks behind (so 35 yesterday). She agreed with me that the baby is not posterior anymore!! I am very happy about that, even though I figured it would happen. She also commented that it is very low now, so hopefully with everything in place it won't dawdle like Nik did. I am ready to meet my baby.
Haylee's birthday is coming up next Thursday! And her party is next Saturday, so I need to wait at least until that's over : ) and then we're good to go! For a while I was feeling pretty miserable, I must have strained a muscle while bowling (we did 9 pin last Saturday night and then regular league Sunday night). I feel better now, thank god, because if that wasn't from bowling it would have really made for a LONG few weeks. Now that I am back to normal I can resume my cooking and cleaning and everthing else that I need to do to at least feel like I am ready for my baby. I can't imagine being miserable through pregnancy like some women are. I am so grateful to have healthy, easy pregnancies!

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