Monday, February 23, 2009

Heart rate still in the 140's, MW said she cannot believe how much this little one moves around. It was really going nuts in there. She also commented that she wondered about me during the week, if I would go much longer. I know better, I am sure I will be late again. But the baby is still super low and everything is ready to go. Now we just wait!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Another good appointment on the books. GBS was negative! Still at 168, heart rate still in the 130's, and still measuring 2 weeks behind (so 35 yesterday). She agreed with me that the baby is not posterior anymore!! I am very happy about that, even though I figured it would happen. She also commented that it is very low now, so hopefully with everything in place it won't dawdle like Nik did. I am ready to meet my baby.
Haylee's birthday is coming up next Thursday! And her party is next Saturday, so I need to wait at least until that's over : ) and then we're good to go! For a while I was feeling pretty miserable, I must have strained a muscle while bowling (we did 9 pin last Saturday night and then regular league Sunday night). I feel better now, thank god, because if that wasn't from bowling it would have really made for a LONG few weeks. Now that I am back to normal I can resume my cooking and cleaning and everthing else that I need to do to at least feel like I am ready for my baby. I can't imagine being miserable through pregnancy like some women are. I am so grateful to have healthy, easy pregnancies!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Had my 36 week appointment yesterday! Everything is looking great, the baby was moving all over while she was listening to the heartbeat and she commented that it was so active. Got the GBS test done, so we'll get the results of that next week. I regained that 3 pounds, so I'm at 168 and a total of 24 pounds. Really not bad for 36 weeks! I am pretty proud of myself.
So now that I am officially (on paper) 36 weeks they won't stop me if I go into labor. I still really doubt I will go early seeing as my others were late, but I wouldn't mind going a week early! This little one is killing my ribs and hips! I do think it will be smaller than my last baby though. I am consistently measuring 2-3 weeks behind, which I know could be many things, but it just feels smaller. It is a bit lower than Nik was too, but not as low as Haylee.
It seems surreal that we only have 4 weeks left until my EDD. Likely actually less than that! I am sure once it comes and goes that I won't feel so excited about it, but at least I can take solace in the fact that they won't induce me unless I hit 43 weeks. Even though it went so smooth and quick before I never want that again. I got lucky once, no need to push my luck. I am slightly nervous that this one won't be as quick. I know every baby and labor can be different, and that worries me just a tad! I'm sure it will be fine either way though.