So I had my 40 week appointment today (either 40+2 or 39+6, depends) and the baby is super low. I consistently measured about 2weeks behind up until 2 weeks ago, when I only measured a half a week behind (so 37.5 at 38 weeks). Now, at 40 weeks, it's measuring 36! So it has really moved.
I had quite a few strong contractions last night, enough to wake me but not enough to keep me conscious, and some back labor, so hopefully it will be soon. I know I am going to start getting antsy if it gets to be more than a week late!Oh, and for whatever reason my weight is keeping steady, I have fluctuated but overall since 30+4 I have only gained a pound! With both my others I gained about 45 pounds and my total this time is 27, so I am really happy about that!
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