Tuesday, March 17, 2009

My birth story

I woke at 12:25 AM on the 15th with contractions that I actually thought were a bit painful. I hadn't had any more than usual the day before, so I had no prior indication that I might finally go into labor. I knew that with 2 other quick births I would have to get moving, so I went to the bathroom and had a couple more contractions and they were very close so I woke up my husband right away. I asked if he was ready to wake up and he said 'what for?', so I said 'we have to go' and he actually asked if I was sure! So once he realized what was going on (we had only been asleep for about an hour and a half) he got up and hurriedly got moving. We called his mom to come sit with our youngest (the other two were already staying somewhere else) since she lives down the road, and she was there within 15 minutes, just in time for DH to have everything in the truck and me ready to go. We left the house around 12:50 and headed toward the birth center, a 45-50 minute drive.

I was easily able to talk and breath through contractions but I was surprised how strong they already were and how quickly they came about. I had been 4 cm and 60 % 4 days earlier, though, so that also contributed to the quickness. By the time we got to the beltline (about 15 minutes from the center) I was only able to talk through the beginning and end of contractions, not the peak, and DH knew it was getting close. We arrived at the birth center and I got out of the truck, I knew I had a small window of opportunity to walk in between contractions. I had to squat down at the back of the truck to have another before going in, I grabbed DH's arm and told him 'quickly' and we walked in, greeted by the midwives. We went into the room and I immediately went to the bathroom, where I got the urge to push, so I hurriedly came out (as hurriedly as possible at that point) and got on the bed, at this point it was 1:40 AM. I immediately had to push through contractions and was surprised how many times I pushed (with my other babies my water had been broken already and I only pushed 3 or 4 times, 1 or 2 contractions). I did have 1 nice break in between pushes, for about 30 seconds, where I was able to talk and laugh a little, then it came back full force and during one intense push there was this loud POP, like a balloon, followed by a big gush and two more intense pushes. Then I was face to face with my baby boy! He was 7 pounds 9.5 ounces, 19.75 inches long, and a full head of beautiful hair! Born at 1:49 AM. He was so content and quiet, he layed on me and just looked around for the longest time.

The placenta was delivered at about quarter after two and they made sure the cord had stopped pulsing and let me cut the cord! He immediately started nursing and continued to do so for a good hour! He got 10/10 Apgar, he was just perfect! It was such a great experience, I loved it! And even though I knew it would be quick, I still can't believe I only had an hour and a half of labor and barely made it to the center!! From the time I stepped into the bathroom until I delivered was only 10 minutes!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Had my 41 week appointment yesterday. 171, good bp, heart rate in the 130's. Baby looks posterior again, but they have no doubt that it will move into position in labor, especially being so active.
She decided to check me just to see if I am making any progress. I am 4 cm, 60% effaced. So she redid the group b strep test since it's been 5 weeks and then she swept my membranes. She expected to see me back last night. Obviously here I am still pregnant. It is getting really frustrating. I don't know how I can manage to be the exception and not go into labor. I am also worried that being at 4 already will mean I am going to go super fast once I go. Not that that is an extremely bad thing, just want to make it to the birth center! Anyway, hopefully this is my final pregnant post!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

So I had my 40 week appointment today (either 40+2 or 39+6, depends) and the baby is super low. I consistently measured about 2weeks behind up until 2 weeks ago, when I only measured a half a week behind (so 37.5 at 38 weeks). Now, at 40 weeks, it's measuring 36! So it has really moved.

I had quite a few strong contractions last night, enough to wake me but not enough to keep me conscious, and some back labor, so hopefully it will be soon. I know I am going to start getting antsy if it gets to be more than a week late!
Oh, and for whatever reason my weight is keeping steady, I have fluctuated but overall since 30+4 I have only gained a pound! With both my others I gained about 45 pounds and my total this time is 27, so I am really happy about that!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Well, I canceled my last appointment because it was raining here and turning to ice. I didn't see the need to risk driving in ice. But I go back on Tuesday, so that's just a couple days from now.
According to the paperwork I am 39 weeks and 3 days today, but if you go by what the midwives have said (and the u/s) I am 40 weeks today. So we'll see how 'overdue' I go. Hopefully not two weeks, like I bet I will :( I have been very patient this time and am in no way expecting to go tonight or anything, but I don't think my patience will last another 2 weeks! I am still very comfortable considering. I was horridly uncomfortable at the end with my last baby.
I have a feeling I lost some weight, we will see. For a while my appetite was back with a vengeance but now it is dwindling again. Oh, and I forgot to mention that at my last appointment I was only measuring a half a week behind, so either the baby had a huge growth spurt or was just really pushing out! Which it tends to do. It likes to try to break through my skin.