Sunday, January 11, 2009

I had an appointment two weeks ago, on the 29th. I was 30 weeks and 4 days, according to the March 5th due date, but I was measuring a week smaller. No big deal, probably just the way the baby was laying. I am currently 32 weeks and 3 days (in the picture) and go back on January 21st for another appointment. They are keeping the march 5th due date, but they think I am actually closer to March 1st. So I guess I could be considered 33 weeks today! At least with keeping the later date on paper I wouldn't technically be 'overdue' until after that, so I have more time before they would want to induce me. They will actually let me go 2 1/2 weeks past before they induce me at the birth center, which is awesome because I do not want to be induced again!
So when I went in I thought maybe their scale was broken. I mean, I know it was the holidays and everything but I gained 6 pounds in TWO weeks!! EEK! So that put me to 168! Holy hefer! But last week I was sick and I think an extremely mild case of morning sickness came back, along with not having much room in there for food anymore, so I wouldn't doubt if I lost some of that weight when I go back in. I am technically still on track to be where I want to be when I deliver, so I guess I can't complain, it just amazes me that I can gain so little in the first 20 weeks and then just pack it all on! Being so cold out doesn't help though, I can't get out to do much.
So, we finally decided on names!! I am so happy and I can't believe we decided so early! We didn't come up with our son's name until I was 39 weeks, so this is great! We have decided on either Jaedyn Constance or Silas James. Now we have 7 weeks to change our minds! Ha, I would probably kill my husband if he changes his mind now.

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